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Working Towards a Better Tomorrow

Here at The Prerna Initiative, we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our beginnings in 2020, we’ve been driven by the same ideas we initially founded our Non-Profit Organization upon: support, empowerment, and progress.

Co-Founders: About Us
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Kavya Gupta, one of the co-founders of The Prerna Initiative, is a rising sophomore in California. Eager to give back to the culture she grew up in, Kavya and her friends started The Prerna Initiative. As an avid STEM enthusiast, Kavya participates in many Women in STEM activities in and out of school, along with volunteering and pursuing her interests in bioengineering and medicine. As a way to give back from what she has the privilege to learn about, Kavya hopes to be a mentor and a friend to those in different parts of the world. Through The Prerna Initiative, she hopes to create a bond with similar teens aspiring to make the best out of the future and achieving their dreams by having a two way relationship through simple activities.



Anika Yadav is one of the co-founders of The Prerna Initiative. She is a rising sophomore in highschool, currently living in sunny California. At a young age, Anika has always been captivated to help others which is why she wants to become a doctor in the future. With this interest of hers, along with her curiosity in the field of medicine and STEM, she has co-founded this organization to bring hope and education to those in need. “Being a leader means to put others before yourself and guide others with kindness and empathy,” she states. By being a mentor to many amazing children across the globe, Anika hopes to not only educate them, but also learn from them during this journey.



Ananya Bharathwaj is one of the co-founders of The Prerna Initiative. Currently living in beautiful California, she is a rising highschool sophomore passionate about medicine-related sciences. This interest of hers took bloom when she decided to participate in Science Olympiad in Grade 6, on which she continues competing on currently. With the experiences and knowledge gained from experiences like those, Ananya strives to manifest her love for science and health to help enrich the youth of her culture by engaging with them through simple activities. Through The Prerna Initiative, she hopes to not only ignite that spark of interest in science, but to also build a strong bond with the wonderful youth across the globe.



Nitya Naik is one of the co-founders of the Prerna Initiative and currently resides in the beautiful state of California. As a rising sophomore, Nitya strives to give back and help others in need by pursuing her interest in medicine. Her curiosity and wonder about the field of medicine led her to compete in Science Olympiad, and now they motivate her to be one of the co-founders of the Prerna Initiative. Nitya aspires to educate and give hope to those in need by sharing her passion and love for the field of medicine with them. Through The Prerna Initiative, Nitya hopes to create strong connections and learn from the amazing youth around the world while sharing the light of knowledge with them.

Co-Founders: Meet the Team
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